metatag-keywords=(pac3, addon, add-on, conflict, conflicts, problems, wiki)
metatag-description=(A list of addons that could cause problems with PAC3.)
metatag-og:title=(PAC3 | Addon Conflicts)
metatag-og:description=(A list of addons that could cause problems with PAC3.)
====== Addon Conflicts ======
This is a list of known addons that cause or used to cause problems with PAC3. If you're having any trouble using the editor try disabling those.
^Addon^ Information^
|**[[https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=504945881|Enhanced PlayerModel Selector]]** | The //**enforce playermodel**// setting makes it impossible to change your playermodel through PAC. |
|**[[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104990330|WAC Aircraft]]** | Completely breaks the PAC editor. |
|**[[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1605334558|IK Foot]]** | Breaks bone merged models/entity parts. |
|**[[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816113584|View-Extension]]** | Breaks the editor view/camera movement in the editor/mouse controls.|
|**[[https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2816113265|Glue Library]]** | Breaks the editor view/camera movement in the editor/mouse controls.|
|**[[https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/hacking-tool-swep| Hacking Tool SWEP (GMODSTORE)]] ** | Breaks the editor view/camera movement in the editor/mouse controls while using the tool. Drop the SWEP/remove it from your inventory for a workaround.|
If you know of any other addons that might cause problems, please edit this page.
====== Tips to find the culprit if it's not mentioned here ======
===== Top-down vs Bottom-up approach =====
== Top-down : the surgical approach (disable stuff until problem is gone) ==
You can disable addons one at a time or a few at a time. It you're surgically confident about your guesses, it might be faster and leave you with less cleanup. If unsuccessful though, as you disable more and more addons, it might take longer to fix the issue, and it can become worse because it scales with how many addons you need to load every time.
== Bottom-up : the rougher approach (re-enable stuff until problem comes back) ==
You can disable everything at once (except pac3) and initially restart GMod (and then maybe restart occasionally). It will usually be an instant fix but will leave you with the plain experience of having no addons. So you have to re-enable stuff again until you find out that:
- You don't need anything more (and forget about it) and everything works fine, or...
- You find the culprit when you get the error after re-enabling an addon.
===== Shortcuts =====
==== Tentatively ignore plain content (models, maps, reskins, weapons) ====
Standalone playermodels and such things are packaged separately and usually don't come with code that edits the base gmod functions that pac3 uses. It is relatively safe to skip checking them. Don't take it as an absolute guarantee. But don't waste too much time reloading your game checking every single addon one by one indiscriminately. Notice though, how I'm not saying addons that **manage or impact** playermodels and such e.g. Enhanced Playermodel Selector is not "**A** Playermodel", but "a playermodel **__Manager__**".
==== It's usually a gamemode addon ====
If any type of addon is the cause of an addon conflict, it's usually one of these. Gamemodes edit and implement multiple core features of the game, which may cause multiple side effects with pac3.
==== Code utility libraries ====
Addons such as ULib, DLib etc. which can be included as required addons for other addons, sometimes edit functions in the core programming library of gmod. It can cause side-effects e.g. in the menus since we rely on gmod's base Derma library. These two examples are not in the list because there have been no serious issues reported recently, but some reports occurred in the past though, although sometimes it's a false alarm.
Specifically, ULib implements a new hook library, but hooks are shared across all addons.
* Any erroring addon could falsely implicate ULib in the error logs. But ULib in that case could simply be the messenger that runs the erroring function from the other addon.
* If something appears in the error messages, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the root cause.
While we have usually tried to make pac3 compatible and I think these two examples were taken care of, it is not a guarantee for all of these types of addons.
==== Using your gut, related themes, and keywords ====
Usually addon conflicts happen when, well, there's two competing addons that fight over a specific functionality. If an issue occurs around a certain theme or aspect of the game, you can start searching that theme, synonyms and related words.
==== Don't forget your local addons ====
Yes indeed, not all your active addons are those seen as enabled on the workshop. Go to your GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons folder and double-check. Also clean up your lua files by deleting the GarrysMod/garrysmod/lua folder and verifying your game files to get a fresh set of these files. Some of such cases have happened whereby junk code or file corruption ended up there.