metatag-description=(List of all console commands available in PAC3.)
metatag-og:title=(PAC3 Console Commands.)
metatag-og:description=(List of all console commands available in PAC3.)
====== Commands ======
Here is a list of all console commands available in PAC3.
**Minimal version:**
(label_github_d) - These commands are available in the {{icon:git.png?nolink}} **Develop** branch.
(label_github_m) - These commands are available in the {{icon:git.png?nolink}} **Master** branch and above.
(label_workshop) - These commands are available in the {{icon:steam.png?nolink}} **Workshop** version and above.
**Command access:**
(label_client) - Command can be used by any player on the server.
(label_server) - Command can be used only by admins.
^Command^Argument (Default)^Version^Access^Description^
|**''pac_allow_blood_color''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows players to change blood color using :entity: **Player Config** part. |
|**''pac_allow_mdl''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows players to use MDL models. |
|**''pac_allow_mdl_entity''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows players to use MDL models as their entity. |
|**''pac_asset_browser''** | **models materials textures sound** | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Opens up PAC3's asset browser. Has optional arguments. |
|**''pac_asset_browser_close_on_select''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Determines if the asset browser closes after selecting an asset. |
|**''pac_asset_browser_remember_layout''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Determines if the asset browser remembers its layout. |
|**''pac_auto_size_properties''** | 0/1/2 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Automatically resizes the properties panel when changing between parts. |
|**''pac_backup_limit''** | 0-??? (**100**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Maximum number of backups. |
|**''pac_ban''** | player name | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Bans specified player from the PAC3 Editor. |
|**''pac_basic_mode''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Toggles between basic and advanced mode. |
|**''pac_camera_follow_entity''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Determines if the PAC3 camera follows the player. |
|**''pac_clear_parts''** | //none// | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Clears your current outfit. |
|**''pac_convert_pac2_outfits''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Converts PAC2 outfits to be compatible with PAC3. |
|**''pac_debug_clmdl''** | 0/1/2/3 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | ???? |
|**''pac_draw_distance''** | -1/0 - 32768 (**500**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Render distance of PAC3 outfits. |
|**''pac_editor''** | //none// | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Opens the PAC3 editor. |
|**''pac_editor_font''** | pac_font_1-5 pac_font_bold_1-5 DermaDefault DermaDefaultBold | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Changes font in the editor. |
|**''pac_editor_model_icons''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Enables model icons in the editor. |
|**''pac_editor_panic''** | //none// | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Resets the editor. |
|**''pac_editor_position_mode''** | 0/1/2 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Editor position. 0 - Left, 1 - Middle, 2 - Right. Requires **''pac_editor_remember_position 0''** to work. |
|**''pac_editor_remember_position''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Remember PAC3 editor position on screen. |
|**''pac_enable''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Enables PAC3 editor. |
|**''pac_enable_[part]''** | [part name] | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Enables/disables PAC3 parts. These commands work only when the respective part is in use. |
|**''pac_enable_urlobj''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Enables custom OBJ models. |
|**''pac_enable_urltex''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Enables custom textures. |
|**''pac_free_movement''** | -1/0/1 (**-1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows players to modify movement using the **Player Movement** part. -1 = Only when noclip allowed, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Always |
|**''pac_friendonly''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Only load outfits from friends. |
|**''pac_grab_clone''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Holding shift when moving or rotating a model creates its clone. |
|**''pac_grid_ang_size''** | 0 - ??? (**45**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Editor angle grid size. Hold **''CTRL''** to snap to grid. |
|**''pac_grid_pos_size''** | 0 - ??? (**4**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Editor postion grid size. Hold **''CTRL''** to snap to grid. |
|**''pac_hide_disturbing ''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Hide parts which outfit creators marked as //'is disturbing'//. |
|**''pac_language ''** | **english** french japanese korean russian turkish | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Change PAC editor language. |
|**''pac_max_contraption_entities''** | 0 - ??? (**60**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Max number of spawned PAC contraptions allowed. |
|**''pac_max_render_time''** | 0 - ??? (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Maximum render time for outfits. 0 - Disabled |
|**''pac_modifier_model''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows users to change their playermodel using PAC. |
|**''pac_modifier_size''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows users to change their size using PAC. |
|**''pac_obj_async''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Process OBJ files in background. |
|**''pac_obj_cache''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Cache Object files on disk. |
|**''pac_obj_runtime''** | 0 - ??? (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Maximal parse runtime in seconds. 0 = Disabled. |
|**''pac_objdl_streams''** | 0 - ??? (**4**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Number of OBJ files download streams. |
|**''pac_objdl_timeout''** | 0 - ??? (**15**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | OBJ download timeout in seconds. |
|**''pac_ogg_volume''** | 0.0 - 1.0 (**1.0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Volume of PAC sounds. |
|**''pac_onuse_only''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Reveal outfits only on +use. **''E''** key by default. |
|**''pac_override_fov''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Render object outside of visible field of view. (Might increase lag). |
|**''pac_panic''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Clears all rendered outfits. |
|**''pac_register_script_part''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Enables the script part. |
|**''pac_render_attachments''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Render model attachments as bones. |
|**''pac_render_projected_texture''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Render projected textures. |
|**''pac_request_outfits''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Request player outfits. |
|**''pac_reset_eye_angles''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Resets eye angles. |
|**''pac_restart''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Restarts PAC3. |
|**''pac_restrictions''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Restricts camera movement for players. |
|**''pac_reverse_collapse''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Reverse Collapse/Expand hotkeys. |
|**''pac_show_profiling_info''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Shows outfit render time. |
|**''pac_spawn_map''** | outfit name | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Spawns the outfit as props on the map. |
|**''pac_submit_limit''** | 0 - ??? (**30**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Sets the limit for pac_submit. |
|**''pac_submit_spam''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Prevent users from spamming pac_submit. |
|**''pac_suppress_frames''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Disables PAC reflections. |
|**''pac_sv_draw_distance''** | -1/0 - 32768 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Server draw distance. |
|**''pac_sv_hide_outfit_on_death''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Hides player outfits on death. |
|**''pac_sv_projectiles''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Enables projectiles on server. |
|**''pac_to_contraption_allow''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allows players to spawn PAC parts as props. |
|**''pac_toggle_tpose''** | none | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Toggles T-Pose. Shortcut: **''Ctrl''** + **''T''** |
|**''pac_unban''** | player name | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Unbans player from PAC3 Editor. |
|**''pac_urlobj_clear_cache''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Clears OBJ file cache. |
|**''pac_urlobj_clear_disk''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Clears OBJ file cache on disk. |
|**''pac_urltex_clear_cache''** | 0/1 (**1**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Clears texture cache. |
|**''pac_use_whitelist''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Load PACs only from players listed in settings. |
|**''pac_use_whitelist_b''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Load whitelist acts as blacklist. |
|**''pac_wear_friends_only''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Wear outfits only to friends. |
|**''pac_wear_parts''** | outfit name | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Wears outfit. |
|**''pac_wear_reverse''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Wear blacklist acts as whitelist. |
|**''pac_webcontent_allow_no_content_length''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Allow downloads with no content length. |
|**''pac_webcontent_limit''** | -1/0 - ??? | (label_workshop) | (label_client) | Webcontent limit, -1 = Unlimited, 1024 = 1mb |
|**''pac_webcontent_limit_force''** | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_github_d) | (label_client) | Override server-side webcontent limit. |
|**''sv_pac_webcontent_allow_no_content_length''** \\ | 0/1 (**0**) | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Allow downloads with no content length. |
|**''sv_pac_webcontent_limit''** | -1/0 - ??? | (label_workshop) | (label_server) | Webcontent limit, -1 = Unlimited, 1024 = 1mb |