{{tag>beam part}}
{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3, wiki, part, beam)
metatag-description=(Creates a visual connection between two points.)
metatag-og:title=(Beam | Part | PAC3)
metatag-og:description=(Creates a visual connection between two points.)
====== Beam ======
The beam part allows you to create a visual connection between two points. Can be used to create a variety of beam-like effects.
===== Location =====
This part can be found under:
* :effect: **Effects** > [[:part:beam]]
{{fa>question?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} You can easily find it by clicking on the {{:icon:editor:add.png?nolink|}} sign and typing //**beam**//.
{{ :part:beam.mp4?20x50 }}
===== Usage & Examples =====
==== Basic Beam ====
- Add the [[:part:beam]] part to your outfit, set the [[#position]]/[[#angle]], this is where the beam starts.
- Add a [[:part:model]] part and move it to where you want the beam to end.
- Click (...) next to [[#end point name]] and pick the model.
==== Beam Brightness Fix ====
Most beam materials use the **Unlit** shader which means they don't receive shadows and appear very bright in dark areas. You can work around that by using a light_amount proxy on the StartColor and EndColor variables.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{:part:beam:beam_brightness.txt}}
===== Related commands: =====
|pac_enable_beam| 1/0 (1) | Enables/Disables the beam part. |
===== Properties =====
==== Generic ====
== name ==
== hide ==
== parent name ==
== material ==
Material used for the beam. Custom materials are possible. Shaders other than **unlit** cause shadow issues on the beam.
== end point name ==
Name of the part that the beam end connects to.
== bend ==
Controls how bent the beam is. {{:part:beam_bend.mp4 }}
== frequency ==
Controls the frequency of the beam. Higher frequency means more bends. {{:part:beam_frequency.mp4 }}
== resolution ==
Number of beam segments. The more segments the smoother the beam is. Max is 256.
== width ==
Controls the width of the beam. {{:part:beam_width.mp4 }}
== width bend ==
Controls the width of the bends. {{:part:beam_bend_width.mp4 }}
== width bend size ==
Controls the length of the bends. Use integers, when using decimals half of the beam segments disappear. {{:part:beam_bend_size.mp4 }}
== texture stretch ==
Stretches the beam texture/material.
== texture scroll ==
Offsets the texture/material position. Combine this with a proxy for a 'flow' effect.
== use endpoint offsets ==
Uses the offset position of the endpoint.
== is explicit ==
{{section>property:is explicit#include&inline}} [[:property:is explicit|→ Read More]]
==== Orientation ====
These only affect the starting point of the beam.
== aim part name ==
{{section>property:aim-part#include&inline}} [[property:aim-part|→ Read More]]
== bone ==
{{section>property:bone#include&inline}} [[:property:bone|→ Read More]]
== position ==
{{section>property:position#include&inline}} [[:property:position|→ Read More]]
== angles ==
{{section>property:angles#include&inline}} [[:property:angles|→ Read More]]
== eye angles ==
{{section>property:eye angles#include&inline}} [[:property:eye angles|→ Read More]]
== position offset ==
{{section>property:position offset#include&inline}} [[:property:position offset|→ Read More]]
== angle offset ==
{{section>property:angle offset#include&inline}} [[:property:angle offset|→ Read More]]
==== Appearance ====
== start color ==
Color of the beam's starting point.
== end color ==
Color of the beam's end point.
== translucent ==
== ignore z ==
{{section>property:ignore z#include&inline}} [[:property:ignore z|→ Read More]]
== no texture filtering ==
{{section>property:no texture filtering#include&inline}} [[:property:no texture filtering|→ Read More]]
== blend mode ==
==== Other ====
== draw order ==