{{tag>bone part}} ===== Bone ===== [{{ https://i.imgur.com/9sdHxL8.png}}] //Location:// :entity: **Entity** > :bone: **Bone** \\ //Alternate Location:// :model: **Model** > :bone: **Bone** ---- //Info:// Edits the position, scale, or behavior of a model or entity's bone. \\ ==== Basic Usage ==== *Add a :bone: **Bone** part anywhere under a :group: **Group** to edit a bone for that group's owner ( the default owner is *you* ) *Adding a :bone: **Bone** under a :model: **Model** will allow you to edit the bones for said model *Set ''**bone**'' to the bone you want to edit, or click the [...] button to select a bone visually *Change the position, angle, or scale of the bone as you wish ==== Advanced Usage ==== *Set ''**follow part name**'' to another part of your pac to have the bone "attach" to that part ( buggy! ) *Turning on ''**jiggle**'' will make the bone into a jigglebone, causing it to move and sway ==== Properties ==== ^//**generic**//^^ |name | //The name of the part// | |hide | //Determines whether to render the proxy or ignore/hide it// | |parent name | //The name of the bone's parent part ( the bone will move under said part if you decide to change this )// | |jiggle | //Toggles whether the bone should be a jigglebone// | |scale children | //Toggles whether the child bones ( ie. left calf's child bones are left foot and left toe ) should scale too// | |alternative bones | //Toggles whether the bone's position should affect its children// FIXME | |move children to origin | //Toggles whether the child bones should be moved to the origin of the selected bone// FIXME | |follow angles only | //Toggles whether the part the bone is following should only change the bone's angle// FIXME | |follow part name | //The name of the part the bone will follow// | |is explicit | //Toggles whether to hide the part if it is considered explicit or NSFW// | ^//**orientation**// ^^ |aim part name | //The name of the part the bone will point towards// | |bone | //The name of the bone the part is editing// | |position | //The position of the bone away from its original position// | |angles | //The angles of the bone away from its original angles// | |eye angles | //(??)// FIXME | |size | //The size of the bone relative to its original size// | |scale | //The scale of the bone relative to its original scale// | |position offset | //The position of the bone away from its original position, offset from// ''**position**'' | |angle offset | //The angles of the bone away from its original angles, offset from// ''**angles**'' | ^//**other**//^^ |draw order | //(??)// FIXME |