{{tag>event part}}
{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3, wiki, part, event, timer, timerx)
metatag-description=(Controls other parts based on specified conditions.)
metatag-og:title=(Event | Parts)
metatag-og:description=(Controls other parts based on specified conditions.)
====== Event ======
Events allow you to show/hide parts of your outfit. They trigger when a specified condition is met. By default they will **HIDE** parts when triggered.
===== Location =====
This part can be found under:
* Right Click ->[[:part:event]]
{{fa>question?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} You can easily find it by clicking on the {{:icon:editor:add.png?nolink|}} sign and typing //**event**//.
===== Usage & Examples =====
==== Basic Event ====
- Add the [[:part:event]] part to your outfit.
- In the [[#event]] field pick((Click on (...))) the event you want to use.
- In the [[#operator]] field pick((Click on (...))) the operator.
- Change the event-specific settings. See [[#event list]] to learn more about them.
===== Properties =====
==== Generic ====
== event ==
Event to be used.
== operator ==
See [[#operators|Operators]]
== invert ==
Inverts the event. Inverted events **SHOW** parts instead of hiding them.
== root owner ==
Target the local player instead of the part's parent. Not sure if this even works.
== affect children only ==
This event will only affect its children.
== zero eye pitch ==
== name ==
== hide ==
== is explicit ==
{{section>property:is explicit#include&inline}} [[:property:is explicit|→ Read More]]
==== Orientation ====
== parent name ==
===== Operators =====
Operators control the behavior of events. It's important to use a correct operator for each type of event.
**Number** operators work with events that use numbers, while **String** operators work with events that use text. Some operators can be used with both.
==== Number Operators ====
|**above** |**a > b**| Returns **true** when the value is above target.|
|**below** |**a < b**| Returns **true** when the value is below target.|
|**equal** |**a == b**| Returns **true** when the value is equal to target.|
|**equal or above** |**a >= b**| Returns **true** when the value is equal to or above target.|
|**equal or below** |**a %%<=%% b**| Returns **true** when the value is equal to or below target.|
|**not equal** |**a ~= b** | Returns **true** the value is not equal to target.|
|**maybe** |**math.random() > 0.5**| Maybe its **true**, maybe not. 8-)|
==== String Operators ====
|**find** / **find simple** | | Returns **true** when a given string is found, you can use multiple strings separated by **;** \\ The difference between **find** and **find simple** is that **find** is case sensitive. \\ Supports patterns. (e.g. weapon will match all default weapons) |
|**equal** |**a == b**| Returns **true** when the value is equal to target.|
|**not equal** |**a ~= b** | Returns **true** the value is not equal to target.|
===== Event List =====
== Dot ==
== Driver Name ==
== Emit Sound ==
== Entity Class ==
== EyeTrace Entity Class ==
== Fire Bullets ==
== Fov ==
== Gravitygun Punt ==
== Has Weapon ==
== Health Lost ==
== Holdtype ==
== Is Client ==
== Is Crouching ==
== Is Flashlight On ==
== Is In Noclip ==
== Is On Ground ==
== Is Typing ==
== Is Under Water ==
== Is Voice Chatting ==
== Map Name ==
== Model Name ==
== Movetype ==
== Owner Alive ==
== Owner Armor ==
== Owner Max Health ==
== Owner Scale ==
== Owner Scale ==
== Owner Scale ==
== Owner Velocity ==
== Parent Scale ==
== Parent Velocity ==
== Randint ==
== Random ==
== Random Timer ==
== Ranger ==
== Say ==
== Sequence Name ==
== Speed ==
== Timer ==
== Timersys ==
== Timerx ==
== Total Ammo ==
== Using Physgun ==
== Vehicle Class ==
== Vehicle Model ==
== Weapon Class ==