====== Ammo ======
Compares your current ammo to a given value (**amount** argument) and triggers the event if the operation returns **true**.
===== Operator =====
Any **number** [[:part:event#operators|operator]].
===== Arguments =====
|**primary** | boolean | Checks primary ammo count when true, secondary when false. |
|**amount** | number | The target amount used for comparison. |
If the weapon has no primary/secondary fire, or doesn't take ammo, the ammo count equals **-1**.
===== Usage & Examples =====
==== Simple ammo event ====
Set the event to **ammo**, operator to **below**, amount to **5**. The event will trigger when your ammo count goes below **5**.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{asset:example:event_ammo.txt}}