{{tag>event button}}
{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3, wiki, event, button)
metatag-description=(Triggers while holding a given key.)
metatag-og:title=(Button | Event)
metatag-og:description=(Triggers while holding a given key.)
====== Button ======
Triggers while holding a given key.
{{fa>info?color=#3bb0ff&fw&lg}} This event only works while you're holding the button, if you're looking for a toggle button see [[:part:event:#command|command]] event.
===== Operator =====
None, this event does not use any operators.
===== Arguments =====
|**button** | string | The button that will trigger the event. |
===== Button List =====
==== Keyboard Keys ====
|**mouse_left**| Left mouse button |
|**mouse_right**| Right mouse button |
|**mouse_middle**| Middle mouse button (scroll wheel click)|
|**mouse_4**| "Back" mouse button |
|**mouse_5**| "Forward" mouse button |
|**mouse_wheel_up**| Mouse wheel scroll up |
|**mouse_wheel_down**| Mouse wheel scroll down |
|**f1** to **f12** | Function keys from F1 to F12 |
|**0** to **9**| Main keyboard numbers from 0 to 9 |
|**pad_0** to **pad_9**| Keypad numbers from 0 to 9 |
|**pad_divide**| Keypad slash key (/) |
|**pad_multiply**| Keypad asterisk key (*) |
|**pad_minus**| Keypad minus key (-) |
|**pad_plus**| Keypad plus key (+) |
|**pad_enter**| Keypad enter key |
|**pad_decimal**| Keypad dot key (.) |
|**a** to **z**| Letters from a to z |
|**lbracket**| Left square bracket key ([) |
|**rbracket**| Right square bracket key (]) |
|**semicolon**| Semicolon key (;) |
|**apostrophe**| Apostrophe key (') |
|**backquote**| Back quote key (`) |
|**comma**| Comma key (,) |
|**period**| Period key (.) |
|**slash**| Slash key (/) |
|**backslash**| Backslash key (\) |
|**minus**| Minus key (-) |
|**equal**| Equal sign key %%(=)%% |
|**enter**| Enter key |
|**space**| Space key |
|**backspace**| Backspace key |
|**tab**| Tabulator key |
|**capslock**| Caps Lock key |
|**numlock**| Num Lock key |
|**escape**| Escape key |
|**scrolllock**| Scroll Lock key|
|**insert**| Insert key |
|**delete**| Delete key |
|**home**| Home key |
|**end**| End key |
|**pageup**| Page Up key |
|**pagedown**| Page Down key |
|**break**| Break key Can't get it to work?? |
|**lshift**| Left Shift key |
|**rshift**| Right Shift key |
|**lalt**| Left Alt key |
|**ralt**| Right Alt key |
|**lcontrol**| Left Control key |
|**rcontrol**| Right Control key |
|**lwin**| Left Windows key Can't get it to work?? |
|**up**| Up Arrow key |
|**left**| Left Arrow key |
|**down**| Down Arrow key |
|**right**| Right Arrow key |
==== Controller Buttons ====
|**xbutton_a**| A or CrossCan't get it to work??|
|**xbutton_b**| B or Circle button|
|**xbutton_x**| Y or Triangle button|
|**xbutton_y**| X or Square button|
|**xbutton_left_shoulder**| Left Bumper or L1 button|
|**xbutton_right_shoulder**| Right Bumper or R1 button|
|**xbutton_ltrigger**| Left Trigger or L2 button|
|**xbutton_rtrigger**| Right Trigger or R2 button|
|**xbutton_back**| Back or Share button |
|**xbutton_start**| Start or Options button |
|**xbutton_up**| D-Pad Up Can't get it to work?? |
|**xbutton_down**| D-Pad Down |
|**xbutton_left**| D-Pad Left |
|**xbutton_right**| D-Pad Right |
|**xbutton_stick1**| Left Stick press |
|**xbutton_stick2**| Right Stick press |
|**xstick1_up**| Left Stick up |
|**xstick1_down**| Left Stick down |
|**xstick1_left**| Left Stick left |
|**xstick1_right**| Left Stick right |
|**xstick2_up**| Right Stick up |
|**xstick2_down**| Right Stick down |
|**xstick2_left**| Right Stick left |
|**xstick2_right**| Right Stick right |
===== Usage & Examples =====
==== Simple Button Event ====
Set the event to button, button to x. The event will trigger when you press **X** and stay active as long as you hold it.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{asset:example:event_button.txt}}