{{tag>event ranger}} {{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3, wiki, event, collide) metatag-description=(Triggers based on distance.) metatag-og:title=(Ranger | Event) metatag-og:description=(Triggers based on distance.) }} ====== Ranger ====== Triggers based on distance. Ranger casts a ray starting at the location of the parent model, in the direction of the red positional arrow. [[#distance|Distance]] is the %%max%% length of the ray. [[#compare|Compare]] is the distance you want to compare to using an [[#operator]]. The event shows a distance preview while editing. {{:part:event:ranger:ranger.png?direct}} ===== Operator ===== == above == Ranger set to above will hide attached parts when the distance to an object is higher than [[#compare]]. == below == Ranger set to below will hide attached parts when the distance to an object is lower than [[#compare]]. {{fa>info?color=#3bb0ff&fw&lg}} This behavior can be inverted by using [[:part:event#invert]]. ===== Arguments ===== ^name^type^description^ |**{{anchor:distance}}[[#distance]]** | number | The %%max%% length of the ray. Needs to be higher than [[#compare]]. The actual value only matters when using [[#npcs_and_players_only]] (BUG?). | |**{{anchor:npcs_and_players_only}}[[#npcs_and_players_only]]** | boolean | Ignores world collision. Only triggers when a player or an NPC is detected. | |**{{anchor:compare}}[[#compare]]** | number | The number that you want to compare the distance to. | ===== Usage & Examples ===== ==== Basic usage ==== - Add a dummy model to your outfit and attach the ranger event to it. - Use the dummy to set a direction of the ranger. (Red arrow means //forward//) - Enable [[:part:event#affect children only]] and attach other parts to the event. {{:part:event:ranger:event_ranger.png?direct|}} ==== Simple ranger ==== Set [[#distance]] to 200, [[#compare]] to 100, operator to above, the event will trigger when an object appears closer than 100 units away from you. {{fa>fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{:part:event:ranger:event_ranger.txt}} ===== Similar Events ===== * [[:part:event:collide]] * [[:part:event:is_touching]]