{{tag>event timerx}}
{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3, wiki, event, timerx)
metatag-description=(Triggers based on time.)
metatag-og:title=(Timerx | Event)
metatag-og:description=(Triggers based on time.)
====== Timerx ======
Triggers based on time, usually used with other events. The event starts counting time when shown and compares it to the number of [[#seconds]] using an [[#operators|operator]]. Can be used to show/hide other parts after a certain amount of time.
===== Operators =====
== above ==
Timerx set to **above** will hide attached parts after the number of **[[#seconds]]**.
== below ==
Timerx set to **below** will show attached parts after the number of **[[#seconds]]**.
{{fa>info?color=#3bb0ff&fw&lg}} This behavior can be inverted by using [[:part:event#invert]].
===== Arguments =====
|**{{anchor:synced-time}}[[#synced time]]** | boolean | When enabled the timer will be affected by things such as host_timescale or the game being paused. |
|**{{anchor:seconds}}[[#seconds]]** | number | Number of seconds. |
|**{{anchor:reset-on-hide}}[[#reset on hide]]** | boolean | Resets the event when hidden causing it to count from 0 next time it is shown. |
===== Usage & Examples =====
==== Basic usage ====
* Add an [[part:event]] to your outfit then attach the [[part:event:timerx]] to it
* Enable [[part:event#affect children only]]
* Pick one of the [[#operators]] and set the number of [[#seconds]]
* Attach other parts to the [[part:event:timerx]]
==== Above ====
This example hides a model 2 seconds after turning on the flashlight.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{ :part:event:timerx:event_timerx_above.txt }}
==== Below ====
This example shows a model 2 seconds after turning on the flashlight.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{ :part:event:timerx:event_timerx_below.txt }}
==== Between ====
This example uses two [[part:event:timerx]] events at the same time. First event hides the model above 10 seconds, the second event hides the model below 2 seconds. As a result the event is shown after 2 seconds and stays active for 8 seconds.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{ :part:event:timerx:event_timerx_between.txt }}
==== Chain ====
This example chains multiple [[part:event:timerx]] events that trigger one after another with a 3 sec delay.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{ :part:event:timerx:event_timerx_chain.txt }}