{{tag>model part}}
{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3, wiki, part, model, mdl, zip, obj)
metatag-description=(Basic model. Supports custom .MDL files.)
metatag-og:title=(Model | Part | PAC3)
metatag-og:description=(Basic model. Supports custom .MDL files.)
====== Model ======
This part lets you use in-game models as well as custom **.MDL** files.
Currently it doesn't support **.OBJ** files, if you want to use those try the [[:part:model_legacy]] part.
**.OBJ** models are supported as well but you should consider converting to **.MDL** -> [[:tutorial:simple_mdl]]
===== Location =====
This part can be found under:
* Right Click >> [[:part:model]]
===== Usage & Examples =====
==== In-game models ====
* Add the [[:part:model]] part to your outfit
* Click on (...) next to [[#model]] and select the model that you want.
==== Importing custom models ====
* Zip the **.MDL** file -> [[:tutorial:using-mdl-files]]
* Upload it to an online hosting -> [[:tutorial:hosting]]
* Add a [[:part:model]] part and paste the link into the [[#model]] field.
{{fa>download?color=#7ab353&fw&lg}} **Download:** {{ :tutorial:mdl:gift.txt }} --- This is an example outfit using an imported **.MDL** file.
===== Properties =====
==== Generic ====
== model ==
Path to an in-game model or a link to an **.MDL** file.
If you wanna use **.OBJ** files add obj in front of the link, for example %%objhttp://link.com/model.obj%%
== name ==
== hide ==
== is explicit ==
{{section>property:is explicit#include&inline}}
==== Orientation ====
== size ==
{{section>property:size#include&inline}} Scales the collision hull and hitboxes as well.
== scale ==
{{section>property:scale#include&inline}} This only scales the visual model.
== bone merge ==
Automatically bonemerges the model to your playermodel, only works if the bones match.
== parent name ==
== aim part name ==
== bone ==
== position ==
{{section>property:position#include&inline}} [[:property:position|→ Read More]]
== angles ==
{{section>property:angles#include&inline}} [[:property:angles|→ Read More]]
== eye angles ==
{{section>property:eye angles#include&inline}} [[:property:eye angles|→ Read More]]
== position offset ==
{{section>property:position offset#include&inline}} [[:property:position offset|→ Read More]]
== angle offset ==
{{section>property:angle offset#include&inline}} [[:property:angle offset|→ Read More]]
==== Appearance ====
== color ==
Color of the model in R G B format. Values over 1 increase brightness.
== no lighting ==
Disables lights/shadows on the model. Also known as fullbright.
== no culling ==
Forces the model to show from both sides. Also known as double face.
== invert ==
Inverts the normals of the model.
== alpha ==
{{section>property:alpha#include&inline}} [[:property:alpha|→ Read More]]
== material ==
{{section>property:material#include&inline}} [[property:material|→ Read More]]
== level of detail ==
Overrides the **Level of Detail** of the model.
== eye target name ==
Makes the eyes follow a specified model/bone. Playermodel only.
== translucent ==
== draw order ==
Display order of transparent objects ([[#alpha]] below 1). Models with higher draw order will appear in front of other models.
== ignore z ==
Ignores depth buffer. Renders the model in front of everything else.
== no texture filtering ==
Disables texture filtering
|**blend mode** | |
==== Related tutorials ====
{{topic>tutorial +model}}