{{tag>shake part}}
===== Shake =====
== Description ==
Creates a camera shake effect.
== Location ==
This part can be found under:
* :effect: **Effects** > [[part:shake:]]
You can easily find it by clicking on the {{:icon:editor:add.png?nolink|}} sign and typing //**shake**//.
== Limitations ==
* Maximum duration is **2** seconds.
* Maximum radius is **500** Hammer units.
== Notes ==
The shake effect is not visible in the editor. Use the thirdperson command or an addon.
{{ :tutorial:part_thumbnails:shake.webm?327x197direct|}}
==== Usage ====
- Add the :effect: **Effects** > :shake: **Shake** part.
- Tweak the settings.
- Use an [[part:event|event]] to trigger the effect.
==== Properties ====
* [[#tab-list|List View]]
* [[#tab-table|Table View]]
== Amplitude ==
The strength of the shake effect.
== Frequency ==
"The frequency of the effect in hz." I can't really see any difference while changing this.
== Duration ==
Duration of the shake effect. Maximum duration is **2** seconds.
== Radius ==
Radius in which players will be affected by the shake effect. Maximum radius is **500** Hammer units.
== Name ==
Name of this part. Best to keep this unique.
== Hide ==
Hides (disables) this part.
== Is explicit ==
Marks this part as explicit. Players using pac_hide_disturbing 1 won't be able to see it.
== Parent name ==
Parent of this part.
|**{{anchor:amplitude}}[[#amplitude]]** | The strength of the shake effect. |
|**{{anchor:frequency}}[[#frequency]]**| "The frequency of the effect in hz." I can't really see any difference while changing this. |
|**{{anchor:duration}}[[#duration]]**| Duration of the shake effect. Maximum duration is **2** seconds. |
|**{{anchor:radius}}[[#radius]]**| Radius in which players will be affected by the shake effect. Maximum radius is **500** Hammer units. |
|**{{anchor:name}}[[#name]]**| Name of this part. Best to keep this unique. |
|**{{anchor:hide}}[[#hide]]**| Hides (disables) this part. |
|**{{anchor:is-explicit}}[[#is explicit]]**| Marks this part as explicit. Players using **''pac_hide_disturbing 1''** won't be able to see it. |
|**{{anchor:parent-name}}[[#parent name]]**| Parent of this part. |