metatag-description=(Short explanation on how to delete PAC3 outfits.)
metatag-og:title=(Deleting PAC3 outfits.)
metatag-og:description=(Short explanation on how to delete PAC3 outfits.)
{{tag>tutorial general outfit}}
===== Deleting PAC3 outfits =====
[{{ https://i.imgur.com/rpM7Uag.png?256|Delete option as seen in the editor.}}]
==== Through the PAC editor ====
To delete an outfit:
* Open the PAC editor
* Click on the **''PAC''** menu in the top left corner
* Hover over **''Save''**, then over the outfit that you want to delete
* Click **''Delete''**
==== Manually deleting files ====
Navigate to ''**..\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\pac3**'' and delete outfit files that you want to get rid of.
If you can't find your PAC3 folder follow this link [[:folders|PAC3 Folders]].