metatag-description=(A guide on how to use various hosting services for custom PAC3 content.)
metatag-og:title=(Hosting custom content online.)
metatag-og:description=(A guide on how to use various hosting services for custom PAC3 content.)
{{tag>tutorial general}}
====== Hosting custom content online ======
Custom content includes: :model: **Models**, :material: **Textures**, :custom_animation: **Custom Animations**, {{icon:zip.png?nolink|}} **Zips** or any files that are not part of the base game.
If you want other players to see your custom content you have to host it online.
==== Where can I host my files? ====
You can use any hosting that provides you with a **//direct download link//** (a link that leads directly to the file, not a website)
{{icon:yes.png?nolink}} [[http://wiki.pac3.info/_media/icon:yes.png|That's a direct link.]]
{{icon:no.png?nolink}} [[http://wiki.pac3.info/_detail/icon:no.png|That's not.]]
===== Recommended hostings =====
==== OneDrive ====
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} 5 GB of free space.
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} Supports all file types.
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} Has an optional desktop application.
=== Getting started ===
* Go to [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/microsoft-365/onedrive/online-cloud-storage|OneDrive]]
* Log in with existing Microsoft account or create a new one.
=== Uploading files ===
Currently OneDrive links shows your name.
Make sure to share using only "Can View" permissions, otherwise people can also access your file and see your E-Mail!
* Go to **My Files**, click on Upload > File and select the file you want to upload.
* Once it's uploaded Right Click on your file and select Share
* In the new window click Copy Link then convert it using the form below.
==== Google Drive ====
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} 15 GB of free space.
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} Share links supported in PAC.
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} All file types.
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} Has optional desktop application.
{{fa>fas fa-exclamation-circle?color=#ff9900&fw}} Files over 26 MB trigger a virus scan and can't be used in PAC.
=== Getting started ===
* Go to [[https://www.google.com/drive/|Google Drive]]
* Log in with existing Google account or create a new one.
* //(Optional) Download and install [[https://www.google.com/drive/download/backup-and-sync/|Backup and Sync]]//
=== Uploading files ===
== Using website: ==
* Click on **''New''** > **''File Upload''**
* Select the file you want to upload
* Once it's uploaded **''Right Click''** on your file and select **''Get shareable link''**
== Using Backup and Sync: ==
* Drag the file to your Google Drive folder
* Once it's synced do **''Right Click''** > **''Google Drive''** > **''Copy link to clipboard''**
Newest versions of PAC automatically change the link to a direct one, in older versions you might have to do it manually.
To do so simply replace open?id with uc?export=download&id.
|**From** |https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dK5th2xrLRHGOz6EYuKpMQqWGQSxf4Cc |
|**To** |https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1dK5th2xrLRHGOz6EYuKpMQqWGQSxf4Cc |
==== Dropbox ====
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} 2 GB of free space.
{{fa>fas fa-plus-circle?color=#7ab353&fw}} Has an optional desktop application.
{{fa>fas fa-times-circle?color=#de3333&fw}} Your links can be blocked due to "too much traffic". (Error 429)
=== Getting started ===
* Go to [[https://www.dropbox.com/|Dropbox]]
* Create an account.
* //(Optional) Download and install [[https://www.dropbox.com/install|Dropbox]]//
=== Uploading files ===
== Using website: ==
* Click on **''Upload files''**
* Select the file you want to upload
* Once it's uploaded click on **''Share''** button next to the file
* Click on **''Create a link''** then **''Copy link''**
Newest versions of PAC automatically change the link to a direct one, in older versions you might have to do it manually.
To do so simply replace dl=0 with dl=1.
|**From** |https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bj1qpkor7tbipu/logo.png?dl=0|
|**To** |https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bj1qpkor7tbipu/logo.png?dl=1|
==== Imgur ====
{{icon:yes.png?nolink}} Unlimited free space.
{{icon:yes.png?nolink}} Works with ShareX.
{{icon:yes.png?nolink}} Registration not required (but recommended).
{{icon:warn.png?nolink}} Images only.
=== Getting started ===
* Go to [[https://imgur.com/|Imgur]]
* //(Optional) Create an account.//
=== Uploading files ===
* Click on **''New post''**
* Select the file you want to upload //or// drag and drop it
* Once it's uploaded **''Right Click''** on your the image and select **''Copy Image Location''**