metatag-keywords=(pac3, install, download, wiki)
metatag-description=(Information on how to download and install the PAC3 add-on for Garry's Mod.)
metatag-og:title=(Downloading And Installing PAC3.)
metatag-og:description=(Information on how to download and install the PAC3 add-on for Garry's Mod.)
====== Downloading & Installing PAC3 ======
Below you'll find information about different ways to download and install PAC3.
Latest download links are always on the [[:start|main page]].
Your PAC version does **NOT** matter when playing on multiplayer servers. \\ While doing so your PAC will always be overridden with the version currently used on the server.
====== Workshop ======
The links below are different official uploads.
===== Master / Main (Stable branch) =====
- Go to {{icon:steam.png?nolink}} Workshop and click the ''**+Subscribe**'' button, it will be automatically added to your addons.
===== Develop version (Combat Update) =====
- Go to {{icon:steam.png?nolink}} Workshop and click the ''**+Subscribe**'' button, it will be automatically added to your addons.
======= GitHub (Zip) =======
{{fa>fas fa-exclamation?color=#ffd54a&fw&lg}} Installing your version locally this way does **NOT** update automatically, you'll have to re-download it whenever a new version comes out. A local install, however, allows you to edit the code on your own.
- Download {{icon:git.png?nolink}} GitHub Develop
- **Extract** the **''pac3_develop''** folder from the **zip** archive.
- Open your steam library, right-click Garry's Mod, go to **''Properties''** > ''**Local Files**'' > **''Browse Local Files''**
- Go to **''GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons''** and paste the **''pac3_develop''** folder in there
- Start Garry's Mod
==== Old versions ====
In case you want to use an older version:
- Go to the {{icon:git.png?nolink}} Commits Page
- Find the commit you want and click the **<>** button next to it (//Browse the repository at this point in the history//)\\ {{:tutorial:installation:git_old_1.png|}}
- On the next page click **Clone or download** then **Download ZIP**\\ {{:tutorial:installation:git_old_2.png|}}
- **Extract** the **''pac3_''** folder from the **zip** archive.
- Open your steam library, right-click Garry's Mod, go to **''Properties''** > ''**Local Files**'' > **''Browse Local Files''**
- Go to **''GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons''** and paste the **''pac3_''** folder in there
- Start Garry's Mod
{{tag>tutorial general}}