{{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(pac3,wiki,gmod,tutorial,guide,help,vmt,vtf,material,texture,convert) metatag-description=(How to quickly convert textures to a lower resolution.) metatag-og:title=(VTFEdit: Lowering texture resolution) metatag-og:description=(How to quickly convert textures to a lower resolution.) }} {{tag>tutorial vtf material texture}} ====== VTFEdit: Lowering texture resolution ====== Useful for people wanting to lower their **.ZIP** size for PAC. This process is quite simple as it doesn't require you to actually edit the texture, you simply convert it to **.TGA** then back to **.VTF**. ===== VTFEdit ===== Download {{ :tutorial:simple_mdl:materials:vtfedit133.zip|VTFEdit}}, open the archive and extract the **x64** folder. ((It might not work on some systems, in that case use **x86**.)) ===== Converting textures ===== * [[#multi|Multiple textures at once]] * [[#single|Individual textures]] ==== Converting to .TGA ==== - Open **VTFEdit.exe**((It is in the **x64** folder that you extracted earlier.)) and go to Tools -> Convert Folder - Set both **Input Folder** and **Output Folder** to the folder where your textures are - Select the **To tga** option from the list \\ {{:tutorial:vtfedit:vtf_to_tga.jpg}} - Make sure **Create VMT files** is **NOT** checked - Click Convert, then wait for the process to complete ==== Converting back to .VTF ==== - Select the **To VTF** option \\ {{:tutorial:vtfedit:tga_to_vtf.jpg|}} - Make sure **Create VMT files** is **NOT** checked - Click the Options button at the bottom left - In the **VTF Options** window check {{icon>fas fa-check-square}} Clamp - Set both **Maximum Width** and **Maximum Height** to the resolution that you want, then click OK \\ {{:tutorial:vtfedit:vtf_clamp.jpg}} - Click Convert and wait for the process to complete. ==== Converting to .TGA ==== - Open **VTFEdit.exe**((It is in the **x64** folder that you extracted earlier.)) and go to File -> Open - Select the **.VTF** file that you want to use and click Open - Go to File -> Export - Pick a location, set **Save as type:** to TGA Files (*.tga) and click Save ==== Converting back to .VTF ==== - Go to File -> Import and select the file that you just exported, then click Open - In the **VTF Options** window check {{icon>fas fa-check-square}} Clamp - Set both **Maximum Width** and **Maximum Height** to the resolution that you want, then click OK \\ {{:tutorial:vtfedit:vtf_clamp.jpg}} - Go to File -> Save As... and save your new texture ===== Additional Information ===== Ask for help -> {{icon>fa fab fa-discord?color=#7289da&fw&lg}} [[https://discordapp.com/invite/utpR3gJ|Official PAC Discord]]