This is a part of the Simple .MDL: Converting Models tutorial and is meant for people who want to convert their textures into .MDL compatible materials. Keep in mind that this is completely optional and you can add materials in PAC, however this method should be easier than going through all the settings in PAC materials. To keep things simple this will only cover diffuse (color) textures.
This part of the tutorial requires one more tool. Download VTFEdit, open the archive and extract the x64 folder. 1)
This is a continuation of the previous tutorial, at this point you should be in the folder with all the compiled files.2)
That's it, if your model has multiple materials repeat these steps for each of them.
← Go back to creating a zip archive
If your model uses a normal map texture (usually a purple image) you can add it as well, just convert it and replace dev/bump_normal with <normalmap_name>
If your model has many textures you can convert all of them at once by using the File → Convert Folder option in VTFEdit. Just make sure that Create VMT files is NOT checked.
For the curious → List of .VMT shader parameters
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