
Projected Texture

Projects a light onto a surface. The red arrow indicates the direction. Can be used for custom flashlights or light effects.

This part breaks Halo.

This part can be found under:

You can easily find it by clicking on the sign and typing projected texture.


Add the Projected Texture to your outfit, aim it in the direction that you want and tweak the properties.


Custom flashlight attached to a pistol (weapon_pistol).

You can use custom textures in the texture field, this can be any .JPG / .PNG / .VTF image. Darker colors are less visible, black is invisible.

Download: custom_texture.txt

Custom .VTF textures can be animated and controlled through texture frame.


Brightness of the light.


Color of the light.


draw order

ignore z

no texture filtering

blend mode


Stops the light from going through props/walls causing them to cast shadows.

Image Preview


Doesn't work :)

near z

Moves the starting point of the projection forward, seems to only affect shadows.

Image Preview

far z

The maximum distance of the projected texture.


Doesn't work :)

horizontal fov

Horizontal FOV of the projected texture. Range: 0-180. Breaks shadows. Image Preview

vertical fov

Vertical FOV of the projected texture. Range: 0-180. Breaks shadows. Image Preview


Texture to project. Supports custom textures.

texture frame

Frame of the texture if the texture is animated.


Custom name of the projected texture that will be displayed in the editor. Helps with organization. You should probably keep it unique to avoid conflicts.


Hides (disables) the projected texture. All children are hidden as well.

is explicit

Marks the projected texture as explicit. Players using pac_hide_disturbing 1 won't be able to see it.

parent name

Parent of the projected texture. Click on 1) to select.

aim part name

Aims the projected texture at another part. Set angles to 0 0 0 for this to work properly.

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The bone that the projected texture is attached to. Click on 2) to select.


Changes the position of the projected texture on each axis (X Y Z).

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Changes the angle of the projected texture on each axis (X Y Z).

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eye angles

Aims the projected texture at whatever you're looking at. Set angles to 0 0 0 for this to work properly.

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position offset

angle offset

1) , 2)
Right Click on to list all available options.
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • (external edit)