Player Appearance Customizer 3 PAC3 is a Garry's Mod add-on that gives you the ability to personalize your look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from simply putting a hat on your head, to creating an entirely new playermodel, customizing vehicles and more. You can wear your outfit on any server with PAC3 installed and everyone should be able to see it on you as long as they own the content you used, or if your content is hosted online. Stable The standard version of PAC. add_box Steam Workshop download GitHub VERSION Experimental experiment Latest features and bugs :) add_box Steam Workshop - Development Branch download GitHub - Development Branch VERSION How to install List of PAC Parts Click on a part to learn more about it. Each page comes with downloadable examples. If the page doesn't answer your question or you need additional help, ask on the PAC Discord. AnimationBeamBoneClipCommandCustom AnimationDecalEntityEventFogGroupHaloModelPose ParameterProjected TextureProjectileProxyShakeSubmaterialTextWeapon Legacy Entity Animation Beam Bodygroup Bone Camera Clip Command Custom Animation Decal Effect Entity Event Flex Fog Gesture Group Halo Holdtype Jiggle Light Material Model Ogg Particles Physics Poseparameter Projected Texture Projectile Proxy Shake Sound Sprite Submaterial Sunbeams Text Trail Webaudio Woohoo Legacy Bone Clip Entity Light Material2D Material3D Material Eye Refract Material Refract Model Player Config Player Movement Projected Texture Sound Trail Weapon LATEST CHANGES See all changes POPULAR PAGES Hosting custom content online(70704) Basics of PAC3 Editor(63069) Extracting game content(48184) Event(44369) Downloading & Installing PAC3(35057) Using MDL files in PAC(34093) Model(29388) Simple .MDL: Converting Models(27364) Entity(27177) General(27128) Commands(26281) Animation(25832) Projectile(24283) Command(21465) Command(18381) RECENT WIKI EDITS 2025-03-17 clamp(x,min,max) 2025-03-16 Proxy Animated Textures 2024-12-23 Animation Event 2024-08-31 Basic Materials 2024-06-15 Hosting custom content online 2023-09-29 VTFEdit: Lowering texture resolution Simple .MDL: Converting Models Last modified: 17 months agoby yagira Log In